“Mental health and workplace”- Dr Supriya Hegde Aroor


Every year 10 th October is observed as world mental health day. On this day mental health is celebrated and we raise awareness about mental illness and its effective treatment.
This year the theme for world mental health day is “It is Time to Prioritize Mental Health in the Workplace”


International Statistics
More than 50% the world’s population are currently in work
Approximately 15% of working-age adults live with a mental disorder.
12 billion working days are lost every year to depression and anxiety
It costs the global economy US$ 1 trillion each year from reduced productivity.

Indian Statistics

Prevalence rates for psychiatric disorders in our country vary from 9.5 to 370 per 1000 people In other studies, it was found that 1 in 7 Indians are affected by mental disorders of varying severity Around 3.5% of deaths are attributable to anxiety or depression
Alarmingly, contribution of mental disorders to the total disease burden in India has almost doubled since 1990.
WHO estimates that the burden of mental health problems in India is 2443 disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) per 100 00 population
Suicide rate in India per 100 000 population is 21.1.

Workplace studies from Indian workplaces found that a range of 10% to 52.9% of workers suffered from depression and a range of 7% to 57% of workers suffered from anxiety, while a range of 3.8% to 75.5% of workers suffered from workplace stress.

Migration for employment purposes is also a reality in India. It is mostly for economic reasons and more for men. That contributes to significant mental stress. All this is startlingly visible after the covid 19 pandemic.

How does mental illness affect workplace ?
Without effective treatment , mental disorders and other mental health conditions can affect a person’s confidence and identity at work, capacity to work productively, absences from work increase. Also, people living with severe mental health conditions are largely excluded from work despite the fact that having a career actually aids in recovery.
Mental illness can also impact families, carers, colleagues, communities, and society at large. Imagine what impact it would have if the sole bread winner of the house is rendered jobless due to untreated severe depression !

What are the barriers in seeking help for mental illness
Lack of awareness
Fear of societal reaction and stigma
Fewer number of trained mental health professionals
Lack of resources
Lack of adequate support from employer, lack of proper insurance coverage in case of admissions for mental illness

How to recognise mental illness in a colleague at work ?
Looking sad and dull for many days
Slow in thinking and activities
Sudden emotional outbursts
Unplanned leaves are common
Using substances of abuse excessively
Taking about deaths and negative aspects of life
Not meeting work related targets regularly citing personal reasons

How should employers and colleagues assist persons with mental illness at workplace ?
First is the let go of personal prejudices and understand that mental illness are as biological as any physical illness
To support seeking help from trained mental health professionals- Psychiatrists and Clinical Psychologists
To assist in slow integration into work again with recovery
To be empathetic that the colleague may be vulnerable to negative remarks and comments
To assist with sick leaves and health insurance benefits for mental illness

Mental illnesses are on the rise. In today’s technology driven, fast paced and competitive world, stress levels are high. Being employed, contributes to income and identity but is known to elevate stress levels. A large proportion of our population consists of adults who are working. A significant percentage is suffering from mental illness. Many of them don’t seek correct treatment for various reasons. This results in lot of absenteeism, reduced quality of life and low productivity. This can change if we adopt a more scientific and rational attitude towards mental illness. With proper treatment these persons can become productive again and useful working members of society.

Dr Supriya Hegde Aroor
Professor and Head of Department
Father Muller Medical college &
Consultant Psychiatrist
Arogya clinic, Mangalore

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